海运OGA 是什么意思(OGA/PGA是什么意思)
2023-05-09 18:20 作者:百运网


  Partner Government Agencies (PGA)

  They work with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which enforces regulations at the border. Collectively they are known as Other Government Agencies (OGA) .


  OGA 和 PGA 在美国海运中代表以下含义:

  - OGA: Other Government Agency

  - PGA: Participating Government Agency



  2.TBD:To Be Determined,待定。这个词表示某个细节尚未确定,需要进一步讨论或者获取更多信息

  3.Chassis Split是什么意思?

  Chassis Split(底盘分离)是一种与集装箱运输相关的术语,主要涉及到运输公司、货运代理和承运人之间的费用分配。



  总之,Chassis Split 是一种关于集装箱运输中底盘使用和费用分配的术语,通常涉及到运输公司、货运代理和承运人之间的协议和费用支付。

  4.Prepull Fee

  In the context of ocean freight shipping, a "prepull fee" could refer to a charge associated with the movement and storage of a shipping container prior to loading it onto a vessel. 在海运货运的背景下,"prepull fee"(预提费)可能指的是与在将集装箱装载到船上之前的移动和存储相关的费用。

  This fee might cover the cost of transporting the container from a storage yard or depot to the terminal, as well as any additional handling required before the container is loaded onto the ship.这笔费用可能包括将集装箱从堆场或仓库运输到码头的费用,以及在将集装箱装载到船上之前所需的其他处理费用。

  Typically, fees associated with ocean freight shipping include terminal handling charges, documentation fees, and various surcharges related to fuel, security, or other factors. 通常,与海运货运相关的费用包括码头操作费、文件费以及与燃料、安全或其他因素相关的各种附加费。

  A prepull fee, while not a standard term, might be one of the various charges related to the transportation and handling of containers before they are loaded onto a vessel for shipment.虽然预提费并非标准术语,但它可能是与在装载到船只进行货运之前集装箱运输和处理相关的各种费用之一。