2023-04-25 16:05 作者:百运网

  答案在The Economist January 15th 2022 Britain 中“Retail investment”这篇文章第六段可以找到。


  The Economist January 15th 2022 Britain


  bespoke (b??sp??k) adj. 订做的;定制的

  同义词:custom-made; tailor-made;personalized


  Clients with elaborate affairs will still benefit from bespoke advice, says Holly Mackay of Boring Money. But “if you just want to invest your money with the comfort that you’re not being a wally, digital advice gives you that.” It is also far cheaper than the traditional kind. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) estimated in 2020 that the average cost of investing with a traditional adviser was 1.9% of the assets invested each year. For an automated one, that fell to 0.8%. Over time that gap compounds, with extraordinary effect. If you invest £100,000 in assets that grow by 5% a year for 30 years and pay an annual fee of 1.9%, you end up with £246,074. If the fee falls to 0.8%, you end up with £340,577.

  Boring Money的霍利·麦凯(Holly Mackay)说,复杂事务缠身的客户仍然会从定制建议中受益。但是“如果你不是白痴,只想安心地投资,那么数字建议会为你提供这种服务。”它也远比传统服务便宜得多。金融市场行为监管局(FCA)在2020年估计,传统顾问投资的平均成本为每年投资资产的1.9%。对于自动化系统而言,这一比例降至0.8%。随着时间的推移,这种差距会加剧,从而产生非凡的效果。如果你将10万英镑投资于每年增长5%的资产并支付1.9%的年费,为期30年,你最终将获得246,074英镑。如果费用降至0.8%,你最终会获得340,577英镑。
