2023-05-25 10:06 作者:百运网


  Identifiability for customs procedures


  The VPID number is what identifies the business during Hungarian customs procedures.在匈牙利的海关程序中,VPID号码是识别企业的工具。

  It automatically gives the international Economic Operators’ Registration and Identification (EORI) number.它会自动提供国际经济运营商注册和识别(EORI)号码。

  The 12-character VPID is the primary identifier for the customs authority.这个12位字符的VPID是海关当局的主要识别符。

  Under EU rules, every person or business has been obliged to request such an identifier for all customs and excise procedures since 1 May 2004.根据欧盟规定,自2004年5月1日起,每个人或企业在所有的海关和税务程序中都有义务请求这样的标识符。


  No customs clearance can be carried out for anyone or any company that does not have a VPID number.没有VPID号码的任何人或公司都不能进行海关清关。

  The EORI number is valid in all EU member states for economic operators and persons established or resident in EU member states. EORI号码对在欧盟成员国设立或居住的经济运营商和个人在所有欧盟成员国都有效。

  It is a unique identifier issued by the customs authority of the operator's own state and serves to identify the client during customs procedures.它是由运营商所在国的海关当局发出的唯一标识符,用于在海关程序中识别客户。

  What't the different between VPID andVAT?


  1.VPID: The VPID number is used to identify a business during Hungarian customs procedures. It automatically provides the international Economic Operators’ Registration and Identification (EORI) number. 匈牙利海关注册号(VPID)用于在匈牙利的海关程序中识别企业。它会自动提供国际经济运营商注册和识别(EORI)号码。

  This 12-character identifier is primarily used by the customs authority for identification purposes during customs procedures.这个12位字符的标识符主要用于海关程序中的识别。

  2. VAT: The Value-Added Tax number, on the other hand, is used for tax purposes. It is an identifier used in many countries, including Hungary, for value-added tax purposes. VAT: 另一方面,增值税(VAT)号码用于税务目的。它在包括匈牙利在内的许多国家用于增值税目的的标识符。

  Businesses are required to register for a VAT number if they supply goods or services that are subject to VAT. 如果企业提供的商品或服务需要征收增值税,那么企业就需要注册一个增值税号码。

  The VAT number is used to report VAT information to tax authorities, and to claim input tax (the VAT paid on purchases that are used in the course of the business).增值税号码用于向税务机关报告增值税信息,并申报进项税(在商业过程中用于购买的增值税)。

  In summary, the VPID is used for customs identification while the VAT number is used for tax identification and reporting.总的来说,VPID用于海关识别,而增值税号码用于税务识别和报告。

